And what about vitamin D? Should I take a supplement?
The name vitamin in this case is misleading. No diet, whether plant-based or not, covers the vitamin D requirement. Strictly speaking, vitamin D is a hormone produced in the skin when exposed to the sun. So, a vitamin D deficiency isn’t diet-related, it’s caused by a lack of or inefficient exposure to sunlight. Take a blood test to check your vitamin D levels before starting a supplement. Your doctor will be able to advise you on the most suitable dosage by assessing your overall situation and any risk factors.
During childhood and adolescence when bone mass develops, taking a vitamin D supplement as a precaution is strongly recommended in countries where there is a lack of sunshine, even without carrying out preliminary blood tests.
During childhood and adolescence when bone mass develops, taking a vitamin D supplement as a precaution is strongly recommended in countries where there is a lack of sunshine, even without carrying out preliminary blood tests.
Updated on: 25/03/2024